Thursday, October 4, 2018

Week 6

Another great week in third grade! We’re busy working through all kinds of fun topics!
**Please, please, please** read these newsletters as I strive to give you important information regarding your children. It will ALWAYS tell you when something new is happening or tests are coming up. I appreciate your time to read through :)
Spelling tests started this week. Your children came home with words last Wednesday. EVERY Wednesday they will get new words. They will be located on the back side of their take home folder so they do not lose them. Tests will be on Wednesdays, unless a snow day, then on Thursday. We have four spelling groups in here so you cannot rely on calling a classmate for a list. Let me know and I can copy another if it’s lost.
Stormy Skies continued to be our theme in science this week. We looked at the climate on all the continents and figured out why some places are hot all year round.
We started some reading groups this week (more to come next week) and completed a full week of **successful** rounds of daily 5 each day! Great job third grade!
Math is coming along well, due to the varying levels in our room, as with spelling, we have different groups of kids working on different tasks. I aim to teach to all the varying levels of abilities in the room. Your child might come home saying they are doing something different than other kids and that could very well be true!
If your child came home with orange math flash cards, please study nightly. We’ve been working on strategies to learn these quickly!
As a whole group we are currently reading Wonder. The kids are loving it so far! We are getting ready to start responding in our literature journals to the first 44 pages. I can’t wait to see what they think! :)
Please encourage some of the homework being sent home - remember they can earn dojo points! :)

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