Friday, October 19, 2018

Week 8

Week 8 is under our belts! It’s getting to be that time of year when sickness is starting to hit. We’ve had quite a few kids out this week. Try to get your child resting well and eating healthy! I’m cleaning anything they touch extra carefully and hoping to stop the spread of germs!
This week one was a sad one in third grade. We had a funeral….a funeral for the word “said”. It has been laid to rest and can no longer be used often in story writing. :) We came up with synonyms to replace this word and kids have been diligently writing using words other than our beloved “said”.
Our first unit in science is complete, Stormy Skies. There is a study guide coming home that has the exact questions of the test on it. Please help your child study for this test. This will be one of their first experiences with test taking in science and I will guide them through it as the test is given.
We learned about the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island this week!
Math groups are going well. Keep studying flashcards that come home to increase your child’s math fact fluency. Do you have your child’s IXL login? I’m not seeing many families practice at home and it’s such a great tool! Let me know if your child needs their username and password for use at home. :)

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